How to remove the duplication of test scenarios when one method calls another within the same class
Read post ›Keep your codebase clean and organized with the FeatureFlagWillMakeThisObsolete annotation. Mark unused methods that can be safely deleted on feature flag cleanup a breeze. Say goodbye to clunky workarounds and technical debt
Read post ›It is helpful to log the shell commands being executed when running a bash script (especially when debugging it). Let see what commands we can use to log the commands
Read post ›A guide to creating a module to add estimated reading time as metadata for posts in websites created with Statiq
Read post ›How to fix the language version compiler error on building a project in rider created with Unity.
Read post ›In this article, I will be showing how to serve a unity game compressed with Brotli compression to Netlify
Read post ›A single command to update the file extensions for files in all the subfolders using a single command in Windows command prompt
Read post ›If you try to serialize an enum to Json using System.Text.Json in .Net Core, it converts it into an integer by default. This is not very readable. How can we have a more readable enum value in the JSON output?
Read post ›Sometimes, we want to set all the bits on a flag. The easiest way to do this is by adding another value to the enum. But there is a more elegant way using LinQ which does not require updating the flag.
Read post ›There is no way to replace just whole words using string.Replace. Let's see how we can replace whole words in string using Regex
Read post ›Sometimes you just want to remove a service worker either because something is wrong with it or you don't need it anymore. Lets see how we can do it programmatically
Read post ›A guide to calculating the reading time for a given document
Read post ›A snippet to upload multiples files from a specific folder (recursively) to AWS S3 using terraform
Read post ›A way to override the netlify build settings so that we can override the build commands for a branch
Read post ›In this post, we will see how we can run SQL Server on Docker using docker-compose and managing the image and environment variables in a docker file
Read post ›A guide to setting up the project properties that we need to create and use source generators
Read post ›How can we fix the "duplicate key value violates unique constraint" error because the primary key sequence is out of sync from the records in the table
Read post ›A code snippet to encrypt and upload a PDF file to an AWS S3 bucket received as a Stream from an external API
Read post ›Occasionally, I have needed to stop and remove all the docker containers I am running locally. Let's see how we can do it easily.
Read post ›Lets see how we can get the TimeZoneInfo regardless of whether the code is running on Windows or Linux
Read post ›The approval test filename for Theory-based tests is not unique by default. How can we get generate unique filenames for theory-based approval tests.
Read post ›In this post, I look at what changes need to be made to write a query with the IN operator in a WHERE clause using Dapper and NPGSql
Read post ›In this C++ tutorial, we see an easy way to prevent the compiler from making objects, i.e. non-copyable objects.
Read post ›Macro trickery to find the offending file(s) and line(s) causing Memory Leak(s) without using a commercial program.
Read post ›This post deals with the basic information you need to know to begin using DLL's.
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