An opinionated wrapper around Statiq.Web
- Copying images, JavaScript, stylesheets, fonts, and binary files to specific asset folders.
- Optimizing slugs for pages and posts.
- Handling pages and posts, including markdown and Razor pages, and organizing them based on folders.
- Managing post details, such as publishing date, reading time, and related posts.
- Configuring index and blog pages with custom ordering and grouping of posts.
- Creating RSS and sitemap files with metadata from posts.
- Reading Time Module: Calculates reading time for articles.
- Responsive YouTube Shortcode: Makes YouTube videos responsive.
- Optimize Slug: Optimizes destination slugs.
- Replace Image Links: Corrects relative image links in markdown files.
- GenerateRssMetaData: Sets RSS feed metadata.
- GenerateSitemapMetaData: Sets sitemap metadata.
- GeneratePageDetailsFromPath: Sets slugs for pages based on folder paths.
- GeneratePostDetailsFromPath: Sets slugs and published dates for posts from folder paths.
- GenerateSocialImages: Creates social share images for Facebook and Twitter.
- Related Posts Module: Generates related posts based on categories, tags, and relative dates.